December 17, 2008

Acrimony's Holiday Party

The lines were drawn! On the walls, at the check-out counter, and at the bar!
Here's some re-capping of the night's event...
: new featured artist, Phoenix, was present to showcase her artwork, The Lines Are Drawn.
: Makr your mark, a statement, is just what the MAKR pop-up shop did.
: sick tunes being spun on actual vinyl, and by a girl!
: mango and pomegranate juices with a punch!
: fashion bloggers united!!!
: big, shiny balls, or ornaments, suspended from the ceiling!
: holiday spending = spreading cheer
Thanks to everyone that joined us for our holiday party!

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December 11, 2008

Happy to Trend

Fall 09 has already engulfed us, before the New Year has even begun. This is the eternal problem with fashion. Always looking so far into the future makes you utterly bored with the present. As we've seemed to have left our time warp machine in another jacket pocket, we can't yet purchase any specific items, but we CAN look forward to these easily replicated trends...

Under tailored hems that cover shoes...

Leather pants worn as undergarments...

Long skirts underneath shorter ones...

The uber perfect oversized blazer...

The pants/skirt suit...

Start now and you'll never be bored...

***images courtesy of Burberry Prorsum and Chanel, via

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December 10, 2008

Party Party Party!

Nearly 60-80% off everything...


December 5, 2008

Santa's Gmail

Has today's economy got you down? Have you been dealing with anxieties of the holidays? Wondering how you're going to budget to buy presents for your family and friends this year? Asking Santa Claus is an option, but he too, is experiencing wish-list overload from children and more-so than ever, adults. Don't fret! Let the Bah Humbug blues pass and have Acrimony help you out! Come in to shop for your loved ones where nearly everything is HALF OFF! You'll be sure to find cool digs for everyone, including your bedroom walls, without having to put a major dent in your wallet! Spread the word, help out the economy and be worry-free (Christmas is 20 days away, folks)!

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December 1, 2008

Jay Slim LIVE

One of our fave dj's is performing at the Great American Music Hall in San Francisco, for a benefit concert with the Black Mahal. The point is to raise money for MuST (music in schools today), but really, don't you just wanna see Jay Slim doin work? We do.

Wednesday, 12/3, 7pm
